
- [ Tosho-Tsuba ]
Ume & Sakura Flowers Ko-Sukashi
The Edo period (estimate)
It is generally believed that the definition of Tosho-Tsuba is sword guard
made by swordsmith not by tsuba craftsman.
The features of the Old Tosho-Tsuba (made during the Muromachi
period) are that
(1) Thicker than Katchushi-Tsuba.
(2) Both the Maru-Gata (round shape) and the Mokko-Gata (Japanese
quince shape) are most popular shapes.
(3) We can only find simple technique from the finish of rims.
(4) Only one or two simple openwork (or nothing) is given.
- [ Tosho-Tsuba ]
Balloon Flower Small-Openworked
The Edo period